Women's Robes and Nightgowns
Women's Robes and Nightgowns
Shop cozy and stylish robes and nightgowns at BraForMe. Providing maximum comfort and relaxation, these robes and nightgowns should be an absolute staple to your nightwear collection.

Women's Bathrobes and Nightgowns
What is a bath robe for?
A bathrobe is used for privacy - typically for covering yourself after bathing or a shower. Not to be confused with nightgowns, robes are best used to cover your body between times when you're not wearing regular clothes and are usually made of moisture absorbing properties for after washing.
Are robes and dressing gowns the same?
Robes are primairly used for after washing and as such, they are usually designed with absorbent materials such as cotton. Dressing gowns are usually better designed for comfort around the house, usually over pyjamas i.e. in the evenings or morning before wearing regular clothes.
What is the best material for a robe after a shower?
The best material for a robe after a shower is usually 100% cotton. This material is great for absorbing the water off your body, leaving you feeling dry and warm. Nightgowns can also be cotton or a number of other materials which are perhaps softer, like silks or polyester. However, these polyester or elastance products are usually for chemises and camisoles.
Is a robe a good gift?
Robes can make excellent gifts, as they get lots of use and will last a long time. Offering great comfort, robes and gowns are one of the most worn items at home, meaning no wardrobe collection is complete without a few choices.